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Vitamin Injections

B12 injections totton

B12 Injection

Increased all-around health and glow! B12 is an excellent vitamin & can help to  Increase energy levels, Improve sleep, Produce healthy red blood cells, Improves and enhances immunity, Can assist with weight loss, Improves mood, Boosts the metabolism, Increases concentration, Improves brain fog, Can help with some forms of hair loss. B12 injections boast a range of benefits including higher metabolism, mental clarity and a balanced immune system. New increased strength of 2000mcg/2ml, means you no longer need a loading dose which in turn means you will return to your normals self quicker.


B12 is water soluble which means the body will use what it needs and the rest will be flushed out.

One-off injection - £30

B-Complex Injection 

The B-Complex has eight different B vitamins including B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 and B12.

In addition to the benefits of B12, B-complex Supports nerve function, Boosts hormone production, Helps reduce food cravings, Natural appetite suppressant, Promote cell health, Stronger hair and nails, Healthier skin, Helps lower cholesterol & Assists in regulating blood sugar.


Course of 4 Recommended (1 week apart) Top up 3-6 months or as needed.

One-off injection - £30

Course of 4 - £100

Vitamin D Injection 

Vitamin D (calciferol), also referred to as the sunshine vitamin ☀️ is a nutrient the body needs to function properly. 

This vital vitamin is essential for building and maintain healthy bones. Along with many other benefits Vitamin D is fat soluble, meaning it is stored in the body's tissues, liver and fat cells, where it remains inactive and dispersed over time, when needed.


This vitamin only needs to be administered twice a year for wellness purposes (every 6 months). With vitamin D injections, 100% of the vitamin D is absorbed by the body.

One-off injection - £45

Appointment time 15 mins. We recommend avoid vigorous exercise for the remainder of the day & drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

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